Catching up
Sunday, Jan. 06, 2002 ~ 2:18 p.m.

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Mmmmm . . . I just came back from the movies . . . . I saw Lord of the Rings again . . . . I went with Margo from work 'cause she hadn't seen it and it was so much better the second time around 'cause I wasn't trying to remember the book the whole time to see how close it actually came. I was able to just watch the movie. And of course, when you watch something for the second time, you notice more things . . . new things . . . . like I noticed that in the very beginning when they're telling the history of the ring, they threw in the faces of some of the elves that have a part to play in the story . . . . possibly to show that elves are indeed immortal, or very close to it.

I can't wait til the end of this year when they release the second movie . . . The Two Towers.

Margo liked the movie lots and she wants to read the books, so I'm gonna let her borrow my set of them, I just have to remember to take them with me to work tomorrow.

I've decided that I'm going to type out what I have written in my paper journal in this entry . . . . it's time to catch up to that so that I don't have too much catching up to do in the future . . . once I've caught up, then I'm going to take it back to work and leave it in my locker again and we'll see what comes of it.

December 2, 2001

So much... so much. Of course it's been another long while since I've written anything in here, but that's no real surprise. Sadly though, I didn't keep up with my online diary as much as I should have. That's more to do with me having computer problems. I did still keep up with it, just not consistantly.

I switched positions at work and am now working in the paint department.

I also haven't been able to write anything, poem or story, nothing at all and it's been very, very frustrating.

I'm at work at the moment and it's about time to get back. I'm thinking that I'll probably keep this in my locker and keep up with it a bit more.

December 7, 2001

I was thinking yesterday while I was walking to get my mail. Amazing really.

Anyway, back in March, (when I wasn't working) I did an entry about how I probably wouldn't do as many entries after I started working as I had when I wasn't working.

For some reason this is awkward. What I was getting at was... (time to go back to work)

December 17, 2001

What I was getting at was that I think I spend too much time with my mind on work things than on anything else. Or... My mind is too full with work, so there's no room to theoretisize on anything else.

Ah well.

I'm just sitting here in the back waiting on Alicia to get off. Just another 10 minutes or so. Today I covered returns since they needed someone... There's a new guy at returns. He transfered from Roseville and he's very, very good looking ... mmmm ... His name's Chris (I've since found out that his name's actually Christian) ... heh, go figure. But that's alright.

December 21,2001

Tonight I'm going to take this home and pack it away. Well, in my suitcase at any rate.

I don't know what's going on. Chris (in my department) is probably going to get fired. He called in on Wednesday, talked to Marc and said he'd be in Thursday. He didn't show up though, and so far he's not here today either.

I think I'll cry if he gets fired and I can't ever see him again. At least I managed to ask him if he wanted to go out to dinner with us ... he didn't go 'cause we couldn't get ahold of him, but I did ask ... and he did say that he'd try to go, so that's a positive I guess.

Wednesday, after Mike went home, Janet asked me if Chris and I had gone out 'cause she wanted to know what was going on with him. That's the first time someone that I didn't tell asked me that.

Guys are so frustrating sometimes, but that's the way of things I suppose.

December 22, 2001

This is absolutely ridiculus. I'm at the airport but I won't get to leave here til almost 2pm. The only reason that I was late was because "Prompt Shuttle" was 10 minutes late, then they scheduled to have someone picked up after me, so we didn't get here til about 30 minutes before my flight. It took an hour just to get through the ticketing line. Ugh . . . At least it's not costing me more money to change flights.

January 4, 2002

I've been asleep on and off since 4pm yesterday, and it's now 10am.

I think I dreamed the entire night. I dreamed about everything and everyone.

I dreamed about Chris. Dreamed that he came back to work earlier than we expected, but he wouldn't talk about why he was gone. Then I dreamed about Keith, but I don't remember it. And I dreamed about Shaun. For some reason my brother, WIlliam, and Erin and Sabrina went with me to go see my dad in Delaware. David and Matt weren't there and Joshua was at camp. We went to go see Josh at camp and were seated around a table. My dad and Barbara point out that an old friend is coming over, so I look and look back quickly. Shaun was making his way over to our table. He's got a brown bag in his hand and he pulls out two boxes and gives them to Barbara and does the same for me, then he pulls out a small bundle of tiny pink carnations and a white rose and gives them to Barbara.

He gets up, pulling another set of flowers out, but he walks over to some girl that I've never seen before and gives them to her. When he comes back over to the table, I suggest that it might be time for a walk. Erin, Sabrina and I get up and head for the nearby trees. As I had hoped, Shaun followed, so I slowed down so I could talk to him for a while. I don't remember what was said, but by the end, his arm was around my shoulder and I was resting my head on his.

And that's where that one ended.

The last dream I was having was a family dream. It was some Christmas in the future, but we were in our house that we had in Vacaville. William and I were home from school, and Will had invited some friends home. Joel and Jason were there as well as one guy I didn't know. My mother was cooking the whole time while my dad and my brother were trying to sort out her Christmas gift. My cats were also there.

but that was about it. There were more dreams, but I can't remember the details of them, I just know they were there.

And now we're caught up . . .

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