Chocolate and Reviews
Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2002 ~ 7:32 p.m.

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I want chocolate and my land lord is out of m&m's. It probably doesn't help that I ate most of the poor things. But, I have such the craving for chocolate right now . . . I'm about ready to break out the instant hot chocolate that I think is still up in my closet. Unfortunately I can't get anything else 'cause I don't get paid til tomorrow evening.

I so love direct deposit.

Okay, I've talked about it too much and now I'm going to have to go get some . . .


Mmmm . . . nummy.

I think it's definitely time to clean. It's very difficult to get to my computer with a full cup of hot chocolate without spilling any. I managed to be successful though.

I'm starting to put together a plan of action for moving. I think that the best way to get everything done is to clean and pack at the same time. I have way too much stuff in this room for it ever to be uncluttered clean. I figure that if I do it that way, I'll be able to get most my unnecessary stuff out of the way and have less to pack when it's time to go.

I've probably said that I need to clean quite a few times here recently, but I still haven't started. Cleaning is one of my less favorite ways to spend the day.

Since Matt got a hold of me, one of my more favorite ways to pass time away is talking with him. I've found myself staying up later than I had meant to both Sunday and Monday because I had been talking with him, but that's how I am sometimes.

I managed to update my other diary yesterday and I've already started working on the entry that I should be posting tomorrow (no promises though). My goal is to update every Monday and Thursday. Unfortunately I missed my goal Monday, and there may come a time when I change to updating once a week.

I like that I'm forcing myself to write. When I just had that "story" sitting as a file in my folder of stories, I wasn't getting anywhere on it. Now that I have a goal, I feel like I may actually get myself out of this writing slump I've been in.

Yes, I've been in a writing slump. You can't really tell from reading here because I tend to talk a lot here, but creatively, I've been in a slump. I haven't even written a poem in about two months, and that's really bad for me.

In other news, I'm going to start reviewing for Rogue Reviews. I put in my "application," took the "test" and got accepted all in a matter of hours. They're the only one's I'm going to apply to review for since review sites tend to get popular and I'd probably get overloaded with stuff to do if I signed up for more. Especially since I've got my two diaries, my website and message board and another site that a friend of mine and I are putting together for our old high school. It's "hush hush" right now until we get everything up and working so don't tell anyone, okay?

As far as what I did today goes, I did absolutely nothing and it felt wonderful.

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