Friday, Apr. 25, 2003 ~ 8:19 p.m.

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When I was outside earlier, it smelled and felt like rain. It's raining (sort of) now, and I know I've mentioned that I love the rain.

I'm getting pretty good at getting in here about every two weeks or so. I've just been busy I guess, but that really shouldn't be an excuse. I've also been lazy. I haven't gotten much done on my apartment either. I spend most of my days off sitting in that old brown chair that my dad brought over watching tv, or here sitting in front of the computer. I should really turn this thing off from time to time. Maybe I should do that tonight. Perhaps I could get some of my books unpacked and organized enough to actually do stuff with them, like putting them on the bookshelves.

I really need to start getting things organized. My bathroom upstairs is a disaster, and my bedroom's still a mess. Not so much a mess, but I haven't gotten the clothes into the closets yet. I have, however gotten them out of the suitcases and boxes. Once I get that done I might be able to start going through the boxes down here, and maybe be able to get to the balcony light switch or set up my aquarium again. That might be nice, and I know my brother would like it since I told him that I'd let him help me pick out some fishies for it.

Oh, my kitty had kittens. They're adorable. Born on the 17th. I went to see them today and they've started to open up their eyes. I still can't tell what color their eyes are going to be, but that's alright. If I had my way, I'd keep all of them.

Here's what they looked like on the 20th:

and here's mama

But that's about all the news that's not work related. I'm not really going to get into the work related stuff now because I'm still not really sure what I want to say. My mind and feelings are confused about all work stuff. Heh. It's fun I guess. The only thing I am going to mention is that I'm moving over to manage plumbing. I think most the people in my departments aren't too happy with that, and that's a nice feeling. Not making them not happy is nice, the fact that I'm liked enough that me leaving makes them feel that way. Or something. That probably came out very confusing.

But, yeah.

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