Friday, Mar. 01, 2002 ~ 8:48 p.m.

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yes, yes. I know I already did an entry for today, but you'll just have to deal with another one. I got the urge to ramble. About what, I'm not sure yet, but we'll see what all comes out of my head.

Today I didn't do a whole lot of anything other than sit/lay around in my room either on the phone or on the computer (which may fall under the "on the phone" category since the computer was on the phone the entire time, but that's besides the point). I didn't get hardly anything done except writing my latest training class outline, which I'll probably get in trouble for doing since I'm not on the clock, but I'll live.

What I should have been doing all day besides sitting here and staring at the monitor for hours at a time was laying on my bed and reading my book. A day or two before Queen of the Damned came out in the theaters, I finished the book and started on the fourth book of the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. Since then, I haven't touched the book. I'm thinking that's probably because I've been thinking about the move and everything else here lately. I haven't been interested in reading or writing, and that's what's really sad.

I did however, manage to writing part of Rosie's return. It's not finished yet, and there's going to be a lot of work to do now, but it should be fun. I'm just hoping that I'm up to the challenge. I've got 800 and some odd years of personal history to create.

I think that if I stick to writing and reading in my spare time I'll be able to keep myself out of trouble money-wise, and, if I'm successful at that, I shouldn't have any trouble with moving in July.

A lot of people at work don't believe that I'm actually going to be leaving. They don't think I'll go through with it. I guess they know me rather well by now. I don't much like change, or at least, I didn't used to. I think this change will be good for me though. I'll be able to start almost completely over.

I was always afraid that I wouldn't ever be able to start over anywhere because I'll always have my money problems following me around, but maybe my luck's turned a bit.

First my parents moved away from here all the way over to Illinois, then on the way to the airport (when I was leaving Illinois from my Christmas visit) they told me that they were going to use some of the profit from the house in Carlsbad to pay off all my credit card bills so that I could afford to move out of the place I'm at now. They figured the bills were what were keeping me from moving out into a place that I could have my cats with me, which was true, to a point.

What they did instead was basically free me. My options are just about endless, but I chose one that I had been thinking about for a while. And, not only will I have my cats, but I'll have my own place. Possibly even a two bedroom place all to myself and my kitty cats. I'd have one room for my bedroom and the second one as a library/computer room type place.

I just hope that everything keeps working as I want it to.

I was going to put the beginning of Rose's return in this entry, but I think it's relatively long already, and I've had a load of trouble typing. My hands just don't seem to want to type what they're supposed to and I've had to hit the backspace key at least once per sentence.

Anyway, we'll see how things go.

'Til then.

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