I don't know ... yet again
Thursday, Jun. 12, 2003 ~ 11:10 p.m.

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I know it's been a while, and I don't really have a good reason. I've been busy with work, yes, but that's about it. I've been spending most of my free time with Liz, James and Daniel.

Nothing new really. I'm not liking work much at the moment, but I'm not sure if that's because it sucks, or if I'm just being moody. I only wonder because I feel like I've been really moody lately. I really don't know.

I also don't really have much to say and "really" seems to be the word of the evening.

Sometimes I feel like I don't care, but I know that I do. This feeling can be in realation to any aspect of my life, whether it be work or friends. Maybe that's just because I've spent a good deal of time being stressed over one thing or another and I choose to at least attempt to let it go. Daniel helps. He "forces" me to talk about some stuff. He won't really let me avoid anything, even if I try to.

I guess I spend a good portion of each day somewhat confused. And maybe that's just my mind making things more complicated than they really should be. Maybe I just need to let things run their course. It's not like I can do anything to alter how things are supposed to be anyway.

I just don't know right now.

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