random update/NaNoWriMo prep
Sunday, Aug. 20, 2006 ~ 8:01 a.m.

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It's 8am and I really should start getting ready for work since I need to be there in an hour. I'm sleepy and I don't want to go. I'm off tomorrow though so it's not too bad.

Mike and I bought Bikes the other day and have been riding around lately. It's fun.

My fingers keep wanting to capitalize random letters, and right now I can't find a comfortable typing position.

I just felt like updating. I've been wanting to update for the last week or so, but I could never find the time when I was alone enough to sit down and type. That's probably why I don't update as much anymore. It's one thing to sit and type out what's in your head, but it's different when you're trying to do it while someone's watching. It doesn't matter if I share my life with someone, or that this isn't all that private anyway. It's just hard to do it while he's watching.

I'm awake, but I don't feel all the way awake. I feel like I could still fall asleep if I wanted to. I think I'm going to go get in the shower and hopefully that will wake me up.

We'll see if I'm in the mood to write tomorrow. I need to start getting back in the habit of writing because November's just around the corner and I need to be able to average about 1700 words a day. I'm going to aim for 2000 so I have some play. The next two and a half months are going to be in preparation for NaNoWriMo. I'm reading some books right now that inspire my own writings, then throughout October, I'm planning to put together a timeline for my story. Then when November comes, hopefully I'll be to a point where all I have to do is fill the story in.

We'll see.

'til then.

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