Catch up ramble
Monday, May. 30, 2005 ~ 10:01 p.m.

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An insteresting thing about the time. 10:01. Mike and I started seeing each other on 10-01. Last year. Now, we're living together. Probably against the wishes of various parental units. I don't even know if my mother knows. I know she wouldn't really have any objections. She knows that she raised me well enough that she doesn't have to worry. She's also met Mike, and so far as I know, has no objections. Others in my family are another story. I'm not sure if my dad all together approves, but I know he doesn't all together approve of some things about me either. I'm sure that he, like my grandmother, wish that he had me to raise while I was growing up. I'm not sure how I may have turned out, but I doubt that I would be as comfortable with myself as I am right now.

I know that my grandmother does not approve of the move that I've made here. She also does not approve of me not going to church and may or may not know of my religious preferences. It doesn't really matter though. I am who I am. She also told me that she wishes that she had me to raise all these years. When she told me that, it made me feel like she thought that there was something wrong with me. I don't think that there's anything wrong with me, but to be alone with a family member that you like and hear something like that come out of their mouth, it made me feel very uncomfortable and a little angry. Just a little though. My mother did an excellent job raising me. I wasn't told that I couldn't go to church with the neighbor boys or with her mother. I was taught to think for myself. I believe in the good of all. I don't condemn people for their lifestyle in any way.

I listen to some of the things people say to/about other people and wonder how those thoughts can go through someone's head.

I'm rambling. I guess I do have a lot of issues with some of the things here in this state. They are a lot different than things in California and in a way, I can't wait until we find another place to go. I start having even more issues when "Race Weekend" comes around. I usually request 4 days off that week (Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun), but I forgot this go around. I have to work all of those days except Sunday (We're closed on Sunday). I really don't know if I'll be going in on Saturday. I don't want to work any of the days when things start getting crazy. I don't like the type of people that show up. Not that I really want to do the whole stereotyping thing, but there are quite a few people who come in and just spend the week drinking from shortly after breakfast until they pass out at night, then they start all over again the next day. I have always had issues with drunken people and I'll be right in the middle of all of it during this next week. It becomes too much emotion floating around in the air for me to handle. I'll probably come close to having a minor breakdown by Saturday.

Speaking of work though, I was interviewed for the Front End Supervisor position, after I told Herb that I didn't want it. The only reason I'm considering it is because Don is the Ops Manager and I like him as well as our new HR manager, Gary. I have also been informed that Herb won't have much input on the position. The main overseers of the department are Don and Mike Pizzola.

I asked for a good $3-4.00 raise and told Gary that I don't trust Herb. I told him that there is a lack of respect that I sense from him (with the biggest giveaway of that being the fact that he can't even take the time to listen when he asks a question.)

I don't know what I'm doing work wise anymore. I was wanted back at Lowes and I had applied, but the HR manager there has some sort of issue with me and won't even pull up my application. So, I gave up. If I get the FES position, it will cost a lot more to get me back at Lowes and it wouldn't happen anyway until Becka left there.

As far as the home situation goes, I can't wait until this house is ours. We already know what we're going to be doing in the downstairs and the main bedroom. We're not sure what we're doing in either of the bathrooms yet and I have ideas for this bedroom (which we're turning into a library of sorts).

I think that's about it for the catch up. On Wednesday, Mike and I hit our 8 month mark. Yay.

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