Dreams again.
Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 ~ 9:46 a.m.

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Sometimes Dreaming is horribly not nice. Actually, it's not so bad. I like dreaming. I just woke up a little on the irritated side because I was extremely irritated (angry even) in my last dream.

Basically, I got a call at work from someone letting me know that my car was ready to be picked up, but they had pulled the "cavalier" thingy off of it.

I was a little confused because my car should have been in the parking lot. I went out there and saw that it was gone. I took off and went to the place that said they had my car. When I got there, I saw that it was an auction place. Prople could bid on the cars they wanted and right there in the second row was my car.

I got the run around at first. No one had any knowledge of calling me and so, I asked for the manager. He played dumb when I asked him why they pulled the cavalier thingy off of my car. He said that it fell off. That's when I tried to find the person that called me so she could confirm that they she had told me that they pulled it off. At that point I was a little pissed. He wouldn't give me any reason why they took my car, all that he said was if they didn't get any complaints within the week of getting the car, it was theirs to sell. Of course, mine was up on the block so to speak, and it was only a few hours old. (I had watched someone put an auction paper - something like a silent auction thing - under my windshield wiper and I snatched it up right away)

I was pretty much making a scene at this place, and then I woke up.

Earlier in the morning (I guess), I had another dream involving my car. I dreamt that I was over visiting Mike at work and when we got outside, My car had been broken into. There was no broken glass or anything, but they basically gutted the inside of the car. There were no armrests or door hardware at all, the stereo was obviously gone and so was the steering wheele. I was just in shock because my car looked so naked. All that time I was just thinking "thank god I have insurance, rental reimbursement and towing."

It was an odd night for me.

Happy 8 months.

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